Video Games

 Today I writing my blog on video games we all love video games even some people decline but when Someone playing game in front of us then mind also told us to play game like free fire video game, pubg video game.

What is Video Games 

Video games is an Electric game that involves interaction with a User interface or input device such as joystick , controller , keyboard or motion sensing devices to generate visual feedback this feedback shown on video display device such as tv set monitor , touchscreen , virtual reality headset.

Video games are very popular in world. The first video game ever is often said to be a computer game called spacewar In fact, some ideas of video games can be found before people made spacewar.

some popular games play by people  -

  • free fire video game 
  • xbox video game
  • multiplayer video game
  • pacman game
  • pubg video game
  • funny game
  • car game video
  • motu patlu games
  • call of duty 3 modern warfare
  • play car games
  • minecraft storymode
  • pokémon video game
  • games truck   etc.
some popular gaming consoles name-
  • Sony play station
  • Xbox 360
  • Microsoft
  • Nintendo   etc.


Beneficial Uses Of Video Games

Video gamers are also believe to be beneficial to the mind and body. it has been show that action video game players have better hand eye coordination and visual motor skills, Researchers found that such enhanced abilities could be acquired by training with action games, involving challenges that switched attention between different location but not with games require  concentration on single object.

"After all" we know that video games help us to develop our skills and ability but still it have its own negative effects.

Negative Effects of Gaming On Health

Video games become Dangerous when the Gamer cross its limit and become slave of video games 

And some time it make a gamer  so depressed and lonely which make their life "Fish out of Water"

Some common effects on Gamers are -

  • Poor Sleep hygiene
  • Exhaustion
  • Obesity and heart problem
  • Aggression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Depression

Poor sleep hygiene leads to some major problems because Inadequate sleep is a common phenomenon for gamers.

If you not taking proper sleep then you will decline the in your work and life

Poor sleep also lead to memory loss and relationship stress.

Aggression is also a main disorder of excess gaming After excess use and gaming addiction, you can feel restless and aggressive, and aggression is also one of the withdrawal symptoms of gaming disorder. 

Excess of gaming is not good for our metal as well as physical health so we need to make our mind in control so that we can save our self from depression if we not do anything about mental and physical health and play video game without any limits then the situation become "From bad to Worse" for us

Revenue of Gaming industry 


The gaming industry is now moving forward and as we know every thing in this world have its own positive effect also and Video game industries is growing very fast

Now the video gamers earn very good amount of money and industry is also growing. In USA a survey conduct on gaming industry that average income of gamer is $800 per day and it continuously increasing.

Revenue in this industry are growing and this industry becoming large. revenue is 155 billion dollar in the world.

Video games are very large industry and growing very fast and now world start see the video games as option of income it become a larger market in several years.

Future of Video Games Industry

 The video game industry is all about innovation. New technologies, new equipment, and new experiences are expected. people play games, create demand for entertainment, and become easier access to games, the industry’s future looks bright.  the world moves away from the time spent in the world of  phones and streaming services on  phones, gaming will become a more important arena for revenue

The video game market future will be no different from the future of any other form of is a Revolution in the market and soon it become a primary option of income for youth and this is "in the Interest " of people.

So Should be Considered video games is a career in Future?


The answer is depend upon individuals thinking  that how they gaming as an entertainment or as a career option.

But the competition is very high there is millions gamers in the world who are ready to show their skills to world and for that reason its very difficult to become pro gamer.

Their is lot of aspect that prove that gaming career is not that good

Short career span - The average career of gamers are just last for 4 to 6 years most of gamers become pro in their teen age but they retire by in early 20s so the span of career is very short.      

No career stability- You have to master in your game to consider yourself a pro gamer but if your chosen suddenly goes decline then you loose everything and you constantly need to stay updated because game need update every week and month.

Health- Being sit for 10+ hours a day , glued to your computer screen is not good for your health.

Lack of work skills - we cant exactly write our gaming rank in our resume so it does not help to developing life skills and waste your time 

So video games is just for entertainment purpose no doubt is help many people to show their skills and earn money but this is just a virtual reality and hence it cannot replace any primary income option because it need full dedication to become pro gamer and for people who does not know how to play game for them it is just "Null and Void" industry and everybody cannot operate it because it need high computer knowledge 

In the last I want to write that we need to change our self with time because time is everything once it gone it never get back to our but everything that change with time is not beneficial for our sometime.


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